To report a swarm contact the Colorado State Swarm Hotline at 844-779-2337.

Honey bees are social insects (eusocial, technically), and the honey bee colony functions much like a living organism. Just as individual bees reproduce, the colony must reproduce, too. Swarming is the reproduction of a honey bee colony, and it occurs when an existing colony subdivides into two colonies. Swarming is essential to the bees’ survival. If the hive becomes overcrowded, resources will be scarce and the colony’s health will begin to decline. So every now and then, the old queen will take half the hive and find a new place to live. 

Please Note that access to the swarm list is available to paid club members only. Sign up for or renew your membership here.

Swarm Retrieval Expectations

  • You must leave to get swarm immediately if you accept a swarm in order to rescue in a timely fashion.
  • If the call is not answered, I will move on to the next person so as to facilitate timely removal.
  • If you do not have a bee vac or can only capture low swarms, it may take longer to get you a swarm, but I will do my best to match you up with one.
  • Please notify me when the swarm is rescued or gone so I can keep accurate records.
  • I will try to get everyone a swarm before giving a second swarm to someone.

Swarm season typically starts in March. Good Luck!

NOTE: if the form doesn’t “submit,” please check to make sure that you’ve answered all the required questions.